Why I Write - Blog Intro

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I want to be remembered for something. I want to make the most of the life I've been given. Since my memories are all I have, I cherish them. I am just one voice out of many. And yet, I am also the voice of ceaseless human consciousness. I speak from a certain time in a certain place. My words, my writing, it is all but a brief flash from one subjective perspective of life on Earth.  Humans have evolved over time, learning how to communicate with each across every plane of existence, physically and temporally. We converse through images and texts, in letters and diaries, even through material items left behind. Our ongoing dialogue is unique among living things on this planet, and allows us to gain intelligence from our ancestors. My ancestral knowledge is an incredible blessing. I do not take it for granted at all. I hope that my voice will join the voices of all those who came before me, just a small addition to this great conversation through human consciousness.

A Dialogue Through Time

“I hope that my voice will join the voices of all those who came before me, just a small addition to this great conversation through human consciousness.”

I write because I want to be heard. Perhaps it’s all based on ego. If others gain something from it, then that's a wonderful perk, but the main motivation (full disclosure) is to try and share a snapshot of my existence, something to leave behind for others when I'm gone. And because I love to express myself through writing. It’s my passion. In a way, it’s silly, because there is no way for me to know if my efforts will be successful. After I am dead and gone, it doesn't matter much to me anymore whether or not people remember me. It is only something that is tormenting my anxious mind trapped in the present. This desperate action is the result of a deep fear I have of my own mortality. 

And, so, to you, dear reader, I promise to share my story. I offer my voice to the people. This, I leave behind.

Write what should not be forgotten.
— Isabel Allende

Lydia Plantamura